Registration Gap - What is it and why is it causing problems
The ‘registration gap’ is the time between the completion of a property transaction...
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Across the team at Hughes Paddison we have been looking at the potential implications of Coronavirus and its consequences on different situations and legal aspects. We have pulled together in this Legal Information Update all the blogs that the team here have written in one publication, which you can download here.
The Legal Information Update contains the following:
All things Furlough: What your business needs to know! Written by our Employment Law specialist Kimberley Whalen-Blake.
The Coronavirus Act 2020: Tenancy enforcement on hold? The Coronavirus Act 2020 came into force on 25 March 2020. It implements a series of measures to protect both landlords and tenants.
Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS) Should I stick or twist?
Advice for Separated Parents during Lockdown
How we can help you with Wills and Power of Attorney
The Coronavirus Act 2020: Residential Tenancy Enforcement
Advice for moving to a new property during the lockdown
Can I vary my spousal maintenance order as a result of COVID 19?
We hope you find this information useful. Please keep an eye on our website and social media for further updates as the situation evolves.