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RESOLVE at Family Space, Cheltenham. An Option for separating parents.
Jennifer Allen is on the Board of Advisors for the Cheltenham Child Contact Centre run by Family Space. Family Space is a voluntary organisation which provides support to families in the local area. The Child Contact Centre provides a neutral venue for safe contact for the benefit of children having contact with their non-resident parents. Cheltenham Child Contact Centre is a bright, colourful, child friendly space and all the staff are extremely welcoming. The centre staff have seen the need, through previous provision of the Separated Parenting Information Programme (PIP) course, for parents themselves to receive greater support to resolve issues between one another.
RESOLVE is a new programme designed for separating/separated parents that is being offered by Family Space. The overall aim of RESOLVE is to encourage parents to create a brighter outlook for their children during a period of change by helping the parents work towards a better relationship more conducive to a shared parenting arrangement upon separation.
As a family Solicitor, Jennifer has vast experience in Children Act cases which concern disputes between parents regarding arrangement for their children. Through experience, Jennifer recognises it is often the adult issues that can have an effect on the children’s ability to have an ongoing relationship with the parent who has left the family home.
The RESOLVE programme is designed to assist separated parents in reaching a point where they can work together to reduce the impact of parental differences on the children and their ongoing relationships with both parents. RESOLVE aims to provide support by adopting a coaching model in one to one sessions that can offer an alternative to going to Court and/or to mediation. RESOLVE can be beneficial, even if only one parent chooses to take part, as it is believed that the cycle of argument/issue between parents could be broken through by just one parent changing their position/perspective.
In future it is hoped RESOLVE will be offered countywide and that there will be no costs barriers, as this is a purely voluntary organisation. For the time being it is a new venture which is starting in Cheltenham for the benefit of local families and as such needs local support. Donations will be the key financial resource. If you feel you could help with a donation however small, please contact Family Space by phone or at the address below. Alternatively, if you are undergoing problems which you think a chat with RESOLVE might help, again do get in touch through the same means or by personal visit to Cheltenham Child Contact Centre.
For more information contact