Registration Gap - What is it and why is it causing problems
The ‘registration gap’ is the time between the completion of a property transaction...
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We are committed to providing high-quality legal service to all our clients. If something goes wrong, we need you to tell us about it, so that we can do our best to resolve the problem.
If you have a complaint concerning any aspect of our service or the bill, then please contact Hayley Hunt, Compliance Manager, to initiate our complaints procedure. We then have up to 8 weeks to consider your complaint. If we have not resolved your complaint within that time you may complain to the Legal Ombudsman.
A full copy of our Complaints Policy can be found here.
The Legal Ombudsman expects complaints to be made to them within one year of the date of the act or omission about which you are concerned or within one year of you realising there was a concern. You must also refer your concerns to the Legal Ombudsman within six months of our final response to you.
If you would like more information about the Legal Ombudsman, please contact them.
Contact details
Call: 0300 555 0333 between 9.00 to 17.00.
In addition to the Legal Ombudsman, several other complaints bodies exist which are also able to deal with complaints. Should both you and the firm wish to use such a scheme. these are: Ombudsman Services, ProMediate, Small Claims Mediation and the European Online Dispute Resolution platform. Information about these services can be found at:
Complaints about our professional conduct
If you are concerned about the professional conduct of the firm, or of an individual employed by the firm, you can contact the Solicitors Regulation Authority for advice. This could include concerns about dishonesty or a breach of the SRA Principles.
If you have any concerns you can raise these directly the Solicitors Regulation Authority.